Everything you need to give your Pesach cleaning an upgrade this year!
Whether you are home or going away for Pesach you may still want to give your space the deep clean it needs. Just keep in mind that dust isn't chometz!
Happy cleaning!
1. Buy These Awesome Sponges In Bulk
You know you'll be going through these, may as well buy them in bulk at a better price than the grocery stores! These really are just the best Scrubbers for dishes, countertops, and everything else.
2. Melamine Sponges Are Great At Stain Removing Around The House
Get these super affordable Melamine Sponges in bulk (news flash, they are the same thing as Magic Erasers). Great for surfaces, walls, furniture, and any other area that needs a bit of freshening up. Just add water and get to scrubbing.
3. Get Under Those Hard To Reach Spaces
When was the last time you moved your fridge or oven to clean? Instead of that hassle, get one of these Flat Sweepers to grab all the dirt from underneath hard to reach areas. Afterwards, throw the microfiber cover in the wash.
4. Baby Oil To Keep Stainless Appliances Shiny And Dust Away
Who knew this secret weapon was hiding amongst your baby items? Baby Oil can be buffed onto stainless steel surfaces such as your sink or refrigerator to bring out the shine, or buff some into your furniture to keep it glistening and dust-free!
5. Tape, Stickers, And Gooey Mess Meet Their Match
Save your fingernails and use this Handy Scraper to get gunk away. Once you use it you'll be addicted and finding other things to use it on! Great for homes with young kids, to help with the post-dinner mess, if you know you know.
6. A Mopping System That Just Makes Sense
One of the only Mopping Systems that actually keeps the dirty and clean water separate. Because what's the point of washing the floor with dirty water?!
7. Dish Washing Just Got More Efficient
This Double Sided Gadget stays near the sink and makes dish washing so much easier. A must-have for anyone without a dishwasher.
8. No Broom Closet? These Hooks Will Do The Trick
Strong Command adhesive keeps these Gripper Hooks on the wall, great for keeping the broom and mop out of sight and off the floor.
9. Maybe It's Time To Upgrade That Dingy Garbage Bin
This sleek stainless steel design looks beautiful in your kitchen, and its hands-free stepping mechanism lets you keep everything contained. It's time for an upgrade!

10. Spark Joy While Reloading The Trash Bags
Because sometimes it's the little things that make us happy! Like a perfectly sized Acrylic Container for your trash bags. Ahh!
11. Sprinkle And Sparkle
It's time for the sink to shine! Sprinkle on Bar Keeper's Friend and scrub away to reveal beautiful stainless steel surfaces. Great for kitchen and bathrooms. Scrubs away months or even years of stains from your pots and pans, too!
12. Keeps The Bathroom Clean And Smelling Fresh
Handy, easy, and disposable. Keep the toilet fresh from a distance!
13. This Spray Is Great For Carpet And Upholstery
Use for your carpet, couches, and chairs. For when little messy hands get all over. Spray, spray, spray the stain away!
14. If You Have A Lot Of Acrylic Bins This Is A Must-Have
Keep high quality plastic items scratch and scuff-free. Try it on windows, bins, glasses, and more.
15. Get The Right Tool For Hard To Reach Places
This Firm Bristled Brush is great for small areas such as window sill grooves, behind faucets, and in between appliances.
16. Cleaning Products With Your Favorite Scent To Make Your Home Your Happy Place
One of our favorite hacks, use a scent that makes you happy! Whether it's from Mrs. Meyer's brand or a Clorox Scentiva one, or just plain old Clorox Lemon scented. For a fresh, just-cleaned home smell that cannot be beat.
17. The Front Loader Struggle Is Real
Try and try as one might, that rubber seal ring in front loaders just tends to attract nasty mold and mildew, taking the clean laundry experience away. This Mold Remover Gel is known to remove mold, so apply and let it do the work for you.
18. Keep Your Fridge Fume Free
What baking soda and charcoal can't do, Purikko can. Lasts up to 10 years, absorbing food smells and leaving your fridge a pleasure to open.
19. Have Girls At Home? You'll Be Needing This
Trust us, if you know you know!
20. We'll Try Anything To Keep Dish Washing Moving Right Along
These Scrubbing Gloves are great for washing dishes, cleaning counter tops, and even for washing fruit and veggies (just make sure you have a separate pair dedicated to food handling!)
Stay tuned for more tips and tricks for hosting, traveling, cooking and more this Pesach!
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