A Bar Mitzvah is a special time in a Jewish boy’s life that he has been preparing for months, possibly years. He will get his first Tefillin, say a drasha, read from the Torah and have a party with friends and family.
Be a part of his special celebration by gifting something meaningful to him. Cash and a nice card is always welcome, however a gift shows that you put thought and time into this decision. Plus, whenever the Bar Mitzvah boy uses his gift he will think of you!
1. Help Him Chap Arein Some Learning With This Stunning Shtender
A shtender will help prop his sefer up and why not do it in style with this lucite and marble version. For studying at home or Yeshiva, with a Chavrusa or solo, you can partner in his learning with this beautiful gift.

2. A Collection of Bar Mitzvah Halachos, Stories, and Inspiration
Give a beautiful sefer discussing the topic of Bar Mitzvah by Rabbi Yonah Weinreb and Rabbi Yaakov Salomon. This Artscroll volume contains history, stories, traditions and rituals of the Bar Mitzvah milestone. Its eye-catching, full color artistry throughout and gold foil cover design makes for a wonderful keepsake gift for the Bar Mitzvah boy and his family.

3. This Cool Marquee Initial That Changes Color
Just for fun! Choose his initial and he’ll have a blast using the remote and switching up the bright and bold colors. He can hang it in his room, keep on his desk or even use as a fun party centerpiece.

4. A Magnificent and Practical Way To Carry His Tefillin
His precious, new Tefillin will be right at home in this stunning, leather carrier with convenient strap. This gift may take some advance planning and discussing with the Bar Mitzvah boy, let him choose his favorite styles, colors and fonts for personalizing.
Hot Pz Tip: Give an Apple AirTag that he can keep in his Tefillin bag, ensuring that they are never left at an airport, bus stop or elsewhere!

5. This Beautiful Becher Option With His Name Engraved
A silver Kiddush cup is a classic Bar Mitzvah gift for a reason. He will use it every Shabbos and be filled with pride as he recites his Kiddush out loud. Engrave it with his name for a treasured keepsake that he will hold on to forever.

6. A Jersey With His Name On It For The Sports Fan!
This is a really cool way to celebrate your favorite superstar! You can customize the front and back of this jersey to say whatever you would like. Put his name on the front and date of his Bar Mitzvah on the back as a wearable memento. Don’t forget big numbers 13 on the back! Choose his favorite sports team colors from the over 50 different options!

7. Or A Cool Personalized Sign For His Room
This LED glowing sign with his name on it is just too cool! If he’s not into sports, choose from other design options. This takes a regular night light to the next level!

8. He’ll Be The Life Of The Party With These Disco Speakers
This Bluetooth speaker from Anker not only give high quality sound but it has awesome color changing capabilities. It flashes on the music's beat making it a really fun option for teens. Definitely makes the whole vibe for a party!

9. A Really Funny Option For The Board Game Loving Kid
For anyone who loves board games, and let’s be honest that’s most of us on a Shabbos afternoon, this game is simple to learn but hilarious to play! Describe the word on your card using only one syllable words or risk getting bopped on the head with the included caveman stick (blow up stick that is!). The silliness that ensues is sure to make memories to last a lifetime.

10. This Genius Way To Travel With His New Hat
Keep his new hat in pristine condition with this unique hat carrier, which doubles as a backpack with its two straps or changes to a one strap carrier option. Travel in style!

11. How About A Customized Stamp For All The New Seforim He’s About To Receive
Genius gift alert! This unique stamp can be customized to his name and info, for him to use in his new library of Seforim and books. It will give his sefer a professional looking inside page.

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