One common concern people have when applying for credit cards is the potential impact of multiple hard inquiries on their credit score. However, we're excited to share a lesser-known strategy that can help you earn rewards more intelligently.
Typically, when Chase pulls your Experian credit report for a credit card application (which is their usual practice), they do not pull it again on the same calendar day for a second application. This presents a unique opportunity to apply for another card on the same day you receive an approval, maximizing your bonus points while only incurring one credit inquiry.
For instance, imagine you've just applied for the Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card (read our full write-up here), with earnings potential of 90,000 points after spending $8,000 in the first three months of account opening. Upon receiving approval for this card, you can seize an additional opportunity by applying for the no annual fee Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card (read our full write-up here) or Ink Business Cash® Credit Card (read our full write-up here) on the same day. This strategic move can potentially earn you up to an additional $750 in cash back!
Just remember, you cannot apply for the same Ink card on the same day.
This tactic not only allows you to earn substantial rewards but also minimizes the impact on your credit score, making it a savvy approach for maximizing credit card benefits.
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